WinterFell - Lowpoly Environment by Unvik_3D
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/29(2021) |
5.49 |
11/06(2024) |
5.49 |
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/29(2021) |
5.49 |
11/06(2024) |
5.49 |
Jump AssetStore
3D Lowpoly Winter environment, optimized for mobile games.Small environment that can be used to add some snowy landscape to your games for a cute view.So easy to implement, with over 20 assets, including vegetation, a snowman and, last but not least, a modular house.The snow on all the wood surfaces can we removed and edited as your pleasure.Details:Every asset shares one texture, so it can be batched together to save draw calls.The polycount assets are beetween 132 and 2086 tris.The pack work in URP and standard pipeline.The renders use Unlit shader, some of them are not included as scene in the package.Assets have a mesh collider, so make sure to check it if you prefer a different collider.Prefabs:▪ Trees x4▪ Rocks x1▪ Vegetation x1▪ Snow surface x1▪ Floating Isle with floating rocks x1▪ Fence x1▪ Barrels x3▪ Crate x1▪ Trunk x2▪ Snowman x1▪ Modular House x1▪ Lights x1▪ Diorama x1
▼ Humble Bundle
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