Bluetooth Mobile Multiplayer
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/26(2021) |
44.0 |
11/06(2024) |
44.0 |
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/26(2021) |
44.0 |
11/06(2024) |
44.0 |
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Bluetooth Mobile Multiplayer is a plugin that makes it easy to set up local multiplayer between different devices!Visit the official website for more detailed information.Features:
— Works on both iOS and Android
— Easy integration
— Documentation describing all methods and examples of their application
This is an ideal plug-in for local games and applications that need to interact with other devices without relying on the Internet or Wi-Fi connection.
Note: This plug-in is not suitable for games and applications where it is necessary to transfer a large amount of data and quickly, since the Bluetooth LE protocol imposes a limit on the speed and volume of data transmitted. The average data transfer rate is 10 packets per second.
▼ Humble Bundle
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