Magic Flame VFX 2 (Black Magic) - URP And HDRP
Aquaman Effect
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/24(2021) |
37.4 |
11/24(2021) |
33.66 |
12/08(2021) |
37.4 |
11/06(2024) |
37.4 |
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Aquaman Effect
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/24(2021) |
37.4 |
11/24(2021) |
33.66 |
12/08(2021) |
37.4 |
11/06(2024) |
37.4 |
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Magic Flame VFX 2 provides high-quality Black Magic, which is very rich.This package only supports URP and HDRP. It is specially made for URP and HDRP and has undergone a lot of optimization.If you need a package with a built-in rendering pipeline, please use: Magic Flame VFX 2 (Black Magic)1. Nearly 140 different VFX, black magic. Very special. Suitable for professions such as wizards, monsters, and black magicians. Including spell casting, flying objects, black magic circle, black magic aura, hit, AOE, etc.2. Support almost all platforms: Android, IOS, Windows, Mac, etc., with good performance and mobile devices running well.3. Support all versions of Unity2019 and later.Future:We are still making similar works, trying our best to form a complete system.Support:Enjoy it, buy it once, and get updates forever.Official website: www.aquamanvfx.linkContact:, waiting anytime.1. Provided nearly 140 VFX prefabs2. Provide VFX texture, the size is between 256-20483. The model used by VFX is provided, and the triangle surface is between 200-20004. Provide a Demo
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