Polygon Monster Vol.2 - Low Poly 3D RPG Model
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11/23(2021) |
21.95 |
11/23(2021) |
15.36 |
12/07(2021) |
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11/06(2024) |
21.95 |
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/23(2021) |
21.95 |
11/23(2021) |
15.36 |
12/07(2021) |
21.95 |
11/06(2024) |
21.95 |
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Very high-quality RPG monster with animation and low poly style.25 characters Prefab.Orc: 5 color styles, animations include: Idle, death, running, patrol walking, attack 1, attack 2, take a hit, a total of 7 animations.Flying Snake: 5 color styles, animations: Idle, death, running, patrolling walking, attack 1, attack 2, attack, a total of 7 animations.Two-headed dragon: 5 color styles, animations: standby, attack, death, movement, and attack, a total of 5 animations.Leopard monster: 5 color styles, animations: Idle, death, running, patrolling walking, attack 1, attack 2, attack, a total of 7 animations.Werewolf: 5 color styles, animations: Idle, death, running, patrol walking, attack 1, attack 2, attack, roar, death 2, a total of 9 animations.Supports all rendering pipelines, no shader support is required.Mobile friendly.All models are. fbx format.HD texture: size 2048x2048Any questions, please contact the email address on the homepage, we will reply quickly.25 prefabThe model is. fbx format, triangle surface 5000-20000Texture size 2048x2048With 1 demo sceneMobile friendly.
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