Polygon Monster Vol.5 - Low Poly 3D RPG Model
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/23(2021) |
16.5 |
11/23(2021) |
11.55 |
12/07(2021) |
16.5 |
11/06(2024) |
16.5 |
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Date |
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日時 |
価格($) |
11/23(2021) |
16.5 |
11/23(2021) |
11.55 |
12/07(2021) |
16.5 |
11/06(2024) |
16.5 |
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"Polygon Monster Vol.5-Low Poly 3D RPG Model" provides monsters related to mutation, LowPoly style, which is great.A total of 20 charactersBeast:Provides 6 variants, animations include: standby, attack, death, movement, hit 1, a total of 5 animations.Mutant Monster:Provides 4 variants, animations include: standby, attack 1, attack 2, death, being hit, and moving, a total of 6 animations.Mutant Snake:Provides 4 variants, animations include: standby, attack, death, being hit, and moving. A total of 5 animations.Mythical Beast:Provides 3 variants, animations include: standby, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4, death, run, patrol walk, a total of 8 animations.Qrim Reaper:1 variant is provided, animations include: standby, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, run, die, and patrol walking. A total of 7 animations.Model format: .FBXTexture size: 2048x2048Supports all rendering pipelines, without shader support, supports URP, HDRP, and built-in rendering pipelines.Support all platforms, mobile device friendly.If you have any questions, please contact the email address on our homepage, and we will respond quickly.20 Prefabs, and related materials.22 textures, size 2048x2048The model is in fbx format, and the triangle surface is between 5000-15000.
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