Multiplayer Master Server with Rooms and Teams
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/22(2021) |
35.2 |
11/22(2021) |
31.68 |
12/06(2021) |
35.2 |
11/06(2024) |
35.2 |
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
11/22(2021) |
35.2 |
11/22(2021) |
31.68 |
12/06(2021) |
35.2 |
11/06(2024) |
35.2 |
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Multiplayer Master Server is a Kit that you can build on to create multiplayer games with similar system to warcraft 3. Create different rooms for different games.Multiplayer Master Server is a Kit that you can build on to create multiplayer games with similar system to warcraft 3 but with some differences. Create different rooms for different games. Currently there is 1 mini game to show how it works.DOCUMENTATION / SETUPGlobal chatLocal chat (in the room/game)Create different type of roomsOption to change teamsEvery room can have different number of teams/people in each teamInvite playersRooms can be locked with passwordMini GamesCurrently 1 mini game (Tic-Tac-Toe) to display how the system works.Every room has an adminWhen a player creates a room he becomes the admin, if he leaves the room and there are more people in it, then the next player becomes an adminWhen rooms are full admins can start the gameWe use Darkrift as a server, because it is one of the best solutions currently on the market. It's free and you can have unlimited CCU for your game.Check the documentation for more information for setup and how the system works.This asset uses Kanit-Bold and Kanit-Regular fonts under SIL Open Font License version 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.
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