A set of 5 fully animated alien buildings.Package should work with HDRP, but textures will need conversion. A set of 5 alien buildings.Every building includes:3 animations - building, idle, death + "birther" includes egglaying animation (no egg included)Claw and stomach have proper bone structure for your IK needsPackage also includes:PBR textures for ground "spores"A static model of glowing crystals with included emission mapIn total you receive:6 3d models - brain (command center), stomach(resource intake), trachea (terraformer/gas emitter), claw (melee defense building), birther (egglaying unit factory), static model of crystals.16 animations, 3 animations per building (birth, idle, death) +egglaying animation for birthter94 textures total.1-2 texture sets per building, each including albedo transparency+basecolor no transparency (where applicable), Height, Metallic, MetallicSmoothness combined, Roughness, Normal texture, Emissive map(where applicable). Every building texture is 2048x2048.6 groundspores textures, each 1024x1024Custom spores shaderExample scene includes:13 cc0 ground textures1 cc0 exr HDRI mapNumber of textures: 107 textures totalTexture dimensions: 2048x2048 on buildings, varied 1024x1024 to 2048x2048 on the restPolygon count: Birther - 3938 tris, Brain - 3072 tris, Claw - 2650 tris, Crystals - 806 tris, Stomach - 6394 tris, Terraformer - 2801 tris, undercrystal helper mesh - 198 trisNumber of meshes/prefabs: 6 prefabs, 7 meshesRigging: Yes + large amount of Blend shapes per buildingAnimation count: 16Animation type list: birth, idle, death, miscUV mapping: YesLOD information (count, number of levels): single lowpoly lodTypes of materials and texture maps: PBR (both combined metallic smoothness for URP and separated metallic and roughness for HDRP/autodesk interactive) on all the original assets, non-pbr on most of the cc0 example assets