Our second rpg/fantasy music mini pack! Featuring 3 town & villages osts of 2~2.5min length to use in your urban settings.Our second rpg/fantasy music mini pack! Featuring 3 town & villages osts of 2~2.5min length to use in your urban settings. The music are all functional loops that blend in perfectly into the background. The volume levels are all mostly the same as well.Also, you'll get the original artwork cover file in PNG high quality extension made handicraft by an artist.P.s: The files are all lossless high quality wave extension. * If you want to listen to the full preview of this mini pack music among others please access my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cErf7x84cGQ&t=2s* If you need any additional assistance or would like any other services please enter in contact with: fictiumsounddesign@gmail.com~ Fictium Sound Design.They're all high quality wave files ready to use!