- Pack includes Magic Spells, Projectiles, Hit Effects/Explosions, Force Field
- Comes with SFX.
- Made with Visual Graph.
- Great asset for a Fantasy, Action/Adventure, FPS, RPG.The pckage mainly focused on HDRP, supports URP visual distortion and vfx to be updated for URPMake sure to install Visual Effects Graph Via package manager.The pack is:37 unique effects created with the VFX Graph: 10 Projectiles/Magic Spells 15 Hit Effect/Explosions & 12 Force Fields/Shields.Why this package?Drag and Drop ready supports both HDRP, LWRP(URP).Perfect VFX for both Realistic and Stylized Enviorments/Games.High quality visual effects great for Cinematics and Gameplay.Easy to customize via inspector window.Effects can also be used as Mesh Effects on swords and different weapons.Customize Hit Effects to use for body blow, explosions etc.Full control over the visuals of the effects via inspector.Projectile's speed, distance, range all can be customized.Asset can be used in URP and Standard Pipeline but Visual Distortion, Lighting to be set manually and update the asset materials.Create tons of unique effects with minor changes from the inspector menu from the VFX properties.Great with publicly available animations.Completely Made with VFX graph no extra shaders or scripts required.Default Particle texture used for each effect, Makes the workflow easy even for beginners.Scripts included for: Projecticle's speed.Travel noise.Range. Destroy on collission.Force field hit effect on collision.*The asset only includes VFX and not the Forest Enviornment, Animations & Character shown in the video.Other Assets used in the Video/Demo scene:Realistic Forest Tree PackBundle Pack++Updates are expected.