A powerful set of tools to create and modify custom hand poses. Includes auto posing feature, hand tracking capability, high quality models, and dozens of poses to get you started.This asset contains a powerful set of tools you can use to create and modify custom hand poses.- Use the auto pose feature to speed up static hand pose creation, or even use it in real-time- Dozens of predefined poses included- Create poses in real-time using the Oculus Quest's HandTracking feature (Requires the Oculus SDK)- Works on any hand model (technically doesn't even need to be a hand! Try it on a claw, or an octopus tentacle!)- Includes a skeleton visualizer to make it easier to select and rotate bone transforms- Includes high quality glove models and textures you can use in your projects. These are based on the Oculus hand rig (see copyright info below) and can be used with hand tracking applications. Includes two fingertip-less glove models, one fully gloved model with customizable materials, and 3 different skin tone textures that you can use on to change the skin tones.- Hand posing features can be used either in the editor or during runtime - save and load, auto posing, hand tracking and more!- Includes example for integrating with XR Interaction ToolitDocumentation https://wiki.beardedninjagames.com/en/General/HandPoses* Please note that the base functionality of this asset is already included in the VR Interaction Framework. The main difference in this package is the addition of new models and examples for integrating with the XR Interaction Toolkit. Please contact me before purchasing if you are unsure of which package to get!** This package is for hand posing functionality and models only - there is no interaction system included. This package is meant to be used alongside Unity's XR Interaction Framework, VR Interaction Framework, or your own custom setup.*** This asset uses Oculus hand models under Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.- Auto posing- Create poses using hand tracking- Use in the editor or during runtime- High quality, rigged and textured models included- Skeleton Visualizer- Dozens of poses included