Realistic 3D tropical vegetation, all plants from this package were scanned, each model has LODs and Billboards so they can be used for architectural visualizations and big complex scenes.A package focused on 3D vegetation using Unity Shader Graph. DiscordIMPORTANT: To run the project you must install SeedMesh Shaders separately, that way, the shaders can be updated more efficiently.This package contains:-A sample scene-10 different plant species with 59 variations (8 materials for 3D plants and 7 materials for billboards)-9 different variations of potsA total of 68 assets!-The textures of the vegetation are 4K resolution-All assets are optimized with LOD'sNote: This package does not contain duplicated assets from Jungle - Tropical Vegetation and those works 100% with the package.Refer to product images to know more about the average polycount in each plant specie.This package was mainly made to be used in HDRP, there is a way to convert the assets to URP but it is important to know that the assets will not react to the translucency effect the same way and the thickness map will be missed in the Universal Render Pipeline. In the case of built-in render pipeline, it is not possible to use the shaders, you must replace them to render the vegetation correctly. You can find a quick solution in the unity assets store with tools like The Vegetation Engine.