Realtime face detection optimized for mobile applications.Perform realtime face tracking with the BlazeFace face detection model from Google. This package requires the open source NatML library to run the machine learning model. Features include:+ Bare Metal Performance. The BlazeFace predictor is implemented with NatML, which takes advantage of hardware machine learning accelerators, like CoreML on iOS and macOS, NNAPI on Android, and DirectML on Windows.+ Extremely Easy to Use. The BlazeFace predictor accepts an image and returns an array of rectangles, each corresponding to a detected face. See more on NatML Hub.+ Cross Platform. The BlazeFace predictor supports Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows alike, allowing you to develop in the Editor and deploy to device in one seamless workflow.+ Augmented Reality. This predictor is particularly suited for augmented reality applications, where it can enhance gameplay by recognizing faces in the camera view.+ Lightweight Package. This package contains the predictor scripts, whereas the ML model will be downloaded at runtime from NatML Hub and cached onto the device, reducing the app size significantly.Discover more ML models on NatML Hub.Join the NatML community on Discord.Check out the NatML documentation.See more NatML projects on GitHub.Read the NatML blog.Discuss NatML on Unity Forums.Contact us at NatML 1.0.11+Supported Platforms- Android API Level 24+ (Android Nougar or newer)- iOS 13+- macOS 10.15+- Windows 10+, 64-bit only