Spider Robot Attack Squad is a collection of four lowpoly droid spider 3D models with PBR texture sets. Containing Single Cannon, Dual Cannon, Missile, and Scout Alert droids to help kick start your game.Each of the droids has animations associated with them as follows,Single Cannon DroidVert Count: 2963Animations:IdleWalkFireRotate left 90Rotate right 90Dual Cannon DroidVert Count:7141Animations:IdleWalkFire left cannonFire right cannonRotate left 90Rotate right 90Missile DroidVert Count: 3776 Animations:IdleWalkReady fireUn ready fireFireRotate left 90Rotate right 90Scout DroidVert Count: 3175Animations:IdleWalkRotate Left 90Rotate Right 90The four models have been UV unwrapped and come with PBR, size (2048 x 2048) textures generated with Substance Painter. Texture maps included are Albeado,Metalic,Normal and HeightI will expand the asset pack with custom-painted style artwork and further models coming shortly. If you have any specific texture set request please let me know.Any scene props seen in the images are not included in the asset pack!If you find any issues or have suggestions, please get in touch with me at support@inspirednotion.comSpider Attack robots,Rigged Animated PBR textures