A high-quality animated monster characters for your games.[ HOTOGAME studio ]- 2 monster character. ( PolarBear + Baby )- Each Characters have 11 animation, 3 PBR texture.** More than 100 game models. CLICK HERE**If you have any problems or requests, send email to me.E-Mail : amiyou1004@gmail.com | FAQ | YOUTUBE |[ Animaton ]- attack 1,2- hit- idle 1,2,3- battleidle- run- walk- stun- die[ PBR texture (2048-2048 size) ]- Albedo- Metallic- Normal[ Polycount ] PolarBear- Polys: 2.746- Verts:2.798 PolarBearBaby- Polys: 1.891- Verts: 1.669