You can choose from three board sizes:
- 9x9
- 13x13
- 19x19
The game is fully functional, it ensures that the rules of the game are correctly followed. It allows you to save the game and reload the last saved game in every moment.
You can play with the clock or not. By clicking on the clock you activate (deactivate) the clock.
It allows you to create the appropriate initial settings of stones on the board.
By clicking on the green icon in the score panel, you can manually switch the game turns.
The right mouse button allows you to rotate the camera. You can also zoom in or out the camera using mouse scroll. Use the arrow keys or left mouse button to move the camera on the board.
Use the "Pass" button to pass the move. This is useful in the procedure for ending a game based on both users skipping (passing) their moves.
The numbering of the players' moves has been shown. The "Moves" button allows you to toggle the visibility of the numbering of previously inserted stones. The “Only Last” toggle allows you to number only the last move made.
There is an editing mode that allows you to mark the selected stones (“Marking” toggle) as well as delete them (“Removing” toggle).
You can follow the history of the game using the arrow buttons.