A variety of brass instruments that can be used for a variety of purposes. Highly detailed for close viewings with LODs for longer distances. Mute accessories for applicable instruments.The instrument assets are detailed suitably for close up viewings with LODs to accomodate mid to long range viewings. Prefabs hierarchies are organized to seperate visuals and colliders. Compound colliders are used instead of mesh colliders to be as performant as possible. Additionally this allows for tighter collisions.Texture files included in png format in 4096 x 4096 resolution. Easily compress these textures under your import settings for your desired platform and purpose. For further customizations, the bake files from a high poly asset from Substance Painter are included as a .zip file.Texture & Material InformationEach instrument asset per material variant comes with 3 textures: Albedo, Met/Smo, and Normal.All textures measure 4096 by 4096 in size.To allow further customizations, bake textures from a high poly version from Substance Painter are included in a zip file. These textures include Bake-AO, Curvature, ID, Position, Tangent Normal, Thickness, and World Normal.Mesh InformationEach instrument asset comes with 3 PBR material variants: Brass, Silver, Worn Brass.Each Instrument asset has 4 LOD levels for the main mesh with the exception of the bell horn (none) and the trombone (4 for the main mesh and 2 for the slider mesh).Bell horn uses a skinned mesh renderer for a blend shape.Some instrument assets come with mute accessories: frenchhorn, flugelhorn, mellophone, tuba, trumpet, and tromboneThe Sousaphone is detachable into two meshes (main body and bell).Prefab InformationEach prefab asset is split to seperate meshes and collidersEach prefab asset uses compound colliders (primitives)Scripting InformationEach instrument asset comes with simple optional scripts to configure visuals in editor or runtime: - MaterialSwitcher: Quickly switch materials of all associated meshes - MuteToggle: Turn off and on the associated mute mesh and colliders - ValvePositionController: Uses [Range(0,1)] floats to control local position of valves - ValveRotationController: Uses [Range(0,1)] floats to control local rotation of valves - BellHornController: Shortcut to control the squish value of the bell horn - TromboneController: Uses [Range(0,1)] floats to control local position of its sliderTriangle Counts with LOD0 and Mutes (if applicable)[01] Bell Horn: 2.0K [02] Bugle: 5.87K[03] Flugelhorn: 16.7K[04] Frenchhorn: 29.1K[05] Mellophone: 18.9K[06] Natural Horn: 13.2K[07] Post Horn A: 10.5K[08] Post Horn B: 8.1K[09] Sousaphone: 25.5K[10] Trombone: 8.4K[11] Trumpet: 19.0K[12] Tuba: 24.4K