Can be used as an element of clothing or as an element of the environmentModels have 8 color schemes and 8 emissive variants and build optionsSM_Evil_Mask - 4594 TrisSM_Forest_Mask - 3031 TrisSM_Wood_mask - 2877 TrisSM_Lava_Mask - 2438 TrisSM_Warrior_Mask - 3520 TrisSM_Inquisitor_Mask - 2928 TrisSM_Snake_Mask - 3664 TrisSM_Octopus_Mask - 11205 TrisNumber of textures: 119Textures (Tga-4k-8bit) : Albedo, Emissive, Normal, SpecularSmoothnessPadding on 4k texture - 16pxNumber of Materials: 8Number of Unique Meshes: 8Number of Meshes: 68UV mapping: YesLOD information: No