AirFighterThis is a stylized model of a WWII fighter.The asset also contains five sets of textures for painting the model by country.Each of the sets has three types of texture quality.The demo scene included with the asset is used to demonstrate the capabilities of the model is dynamic and animated examples.The air fighter has a 20k vertex.Materials use textures: albedo, normal, decal, and material properties (metallic, smoothness, occlusion, alpha recorded into separate RGBA texture channels and combined into one png file).Each of the 15 prefabs contains the following set of textures :a.Commontex_Body_Norm_[Quality] (4096x4096 png file-for High, 2048x2048 png file-for Mid, 1024x1024 png file-for Low)tex_Body_Prop_[Quality] (4096x4096 png file-for High, 2048x2048 png file-for Mid, 1024x1024 png file-for Low)tex_LandingGear_Norm_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_LandingGear_Prop_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Parts_Norm_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Parts_Prop_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Transparent_Norm_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Transparent_Prop_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)b.Colors of the nationtex_Body_[Nation]_[Quality] (4096x4096 png file-for High, 2048x2048 png file-for Mid, 1024x1024 png file-for Low)tex_Decal_[Nation]_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_LandingGear_[Nation]_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Parts_[Nation]_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)tex_Transparent_[Nation]_[Quality] (2048x2048 png file-for High, 1024x1024 png file-for Mid, 512x512 png file-for Low)where [Nation] (FRA, GER, JPN, USA, USSR).The asset contains a shader graph file to split into channels.The model contains 28 properly centered meshes, organized into four main sections for animation.The model uses URP and ShaderGraph ver. 7.3.1 or higer.