400 high-quality sound effects of car engines, including city, sports, off-road and pickup vehicle sound effects.A big collection of car engines, including city, sports, off-road and pickup vehicle sound effects.The package contains 400 high-quality engine sound effects, engine sound effects, including start and stop engine sounds, fast and slow acceleration and deceleration sounds, looped engine sounds at five speeds, transitions between speeds and sounds of cars passing by.There are 5 types of engine rpm - idle, low rpm, mid rpm, high and very high rpm.Total in the package of 16 types of cars, among which 4 city, 6 sports, 4 off-road, 2 pickup cars.Audio Preview: https://soundcloud.com/magic-sound-effects/mse-car-engines-vol-2-sound-library-previewFull Audio Preview: https://youtu.be/CAo7iCRNR1YSound List: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8zusgb6pngoxqg4/MSE%20-%20Car%20Engines%20Vol.%202.pdf?dl=0All of the sounds are created in a realistic style. Realistic car sounds were used in the design.Did you know that this sound package can be included in the Bundle with a better deal?Realistic Vehicle Engine Sounds Bundle• 400 game-ready sound effects.• 44.1 khz, 16 bit, wav, stereo.• 16 types of cars in total.• 5 types of engine rpm - idle, low, mid, high very high.• 4 city cars, 6 sport cars, 4 off-road, 2 pickup cars.• 80 looped engine sounds in total.• 64 acceleration sounds, 64 deceleration sounds.• 128 transition sounds between engine rpm.• 16 start engine and 16 stop engine sounds.• 32 sounds of cars passing by.• perfect for game scenes and trailers.• minutes of audio: 49 minutes 29 seconds.