Five Sword In A Pack!!!
There are 5 unique Sword in this package ready to use for your game .
All objects have 2k resolution textures including Normal map , Albedo map , Metallic , Roughness map.
-Sword01P2 : 3540 triangles , 1772 vertices .
-Sword02P2 : 5242 triangles , 2623 vertices .
-Sword03P2 : 6304 triangles , 3154vertices .
-Sword04P2 : 6268 triangles , 3136 vertices .
-Sword05P2 : 4990 triangles , 2497 vertices .
Most part have different materials so you can change color metallic or etc.. and enjoy it.
if you have any problem or need some help you can always contact me here:
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