腾讯游戏语音GVoice(Tencent Games Voice)是一款支持多样玩法、全面覆盖游戏沟通场景的语音服务。提供如组队语音、指挥语音、语音消息、语音转文字、语音同传、区域喊话等功能,是提升游戏玩家沟通交流体验的必备服务。
GVoice服务了2000多款游戏,其中包括所有腾讯游戏及全球游戏大作,拥有3亿全球月活跃用户。日DAU控制在100以内免费 点击访问我们的开发者网站,开始使用GVoice通过访问开发者网站,可以进行以下操作- 创建一个开发者账号,并获得AppID和Key- 快速了解SDK接入指引、控制台操作指南等文档- 下载所需要引擎或平台的SDK发布包(我们支持Unity、Unreal、PC、Mac、iOS、Android、PlayStation、Xbox、Nintendo Switch)- 接入过程中遇到任何技术或使用问题请咨询技术支持QQ:2865938912Features:Real-Time Voice: Multiple users can directly chat in real time, it supports four modes: team voice, national voice, range voice and FM voice.Voice Message: Players record voice messages and send them to the team, the world, etc. The voice messages can be cached, downloaded, and repeatedly listened to. Voice messages are automatically saved on the server for seven days, and will be deleted automatically after seven days.Voice-to-Text: The players’ voice message will be converted into Chinese characters, the user can read the text when it is inconvenient for them to listen to the voice. Currently, only Chinese is supported.