Realistic Retro Arcade Machines & Claw Machine used in Japanese ArcadesTo use Unity's built-in post-processing, please refer to this documentation: http://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.postprocessing@3.1/manual/Installation.htmlThe scene is included in the pack.A model pack to create realistic Japanese arcades. Or, if you want, retro arcades, as the machines are the same. The only element containing Japanese text in this pack is the money exchange machine.The models in this pack are high-quality and carefully crated to mimic real-world arcade machines. Machines are not intractable, but the screens can be animated with a proper prefab, as they are using separate material from the bodies of the machinesAll the materials are made using PBR workflow, which results in high-quality assets in any situation. Models utilize weighed normals workflow, which means the models are high quality without large normal maps or extra vertices. Assets are usable in various situations, ranging from VR to games and mobile to visualizations.Included models: 4 different arcade cabinets, A basketball throwing game, a mole whacker game, a car racing game, an aeroplane simulator game, several stools, claw machine, 11 claw machine rewards props with 29 material variants, lamps, wires, wire holders, AC, money exchangerTexture resolution varies between 1k and 4k, most being either 2k or 4k.Number of Unique Meshes: 35Prefabs: 57Collision: Mesh basedVertex Count: 48 - 15753Materials: 46 PBR materialsNumber of Textures: 122 texturesTexture Resolutions: 1024, 2048, 4096