A set of Unity Editor tools.This package contains several custom attributes, windows and components. They are all standalone and can be imported and used separately. They are all focused on increasing productivity and comfort during your game development.Read documentationCustom AttributesIconCustom Inspector property icon.LabelPlusCustom Inspector property label that allows using an icon, a custom label text and a custom label color.HeaderPlusCustom Inspector property header that allows using an icon, a custom header label text and a custom header label color.ReadOnlyPrevents a property from being edited on the Inspector.ReadOnlyOnPlayPrevents a property from being edited on the Inspector in PlayMode. The behaviour can be inverted so the property is editable only in PlayMode.ReadOnlyOnPrefabPrevents a property from being edited on the Inspector in PrefabMode. The behaviour can be inverted so the property is editable only in PrefabMode.HideOnPlayHides the property in PlayMode. The behaviour can be inverted with the 'invert' parameter so the property is visible only in PlayMode.HideOnPrefabHides the property in PrefabMode. The behaviour can be inverted with the 'invert' parameter so the property is visible only in PrefabMode.TagDisplays a dropdown list of available Tags (must be used with a 'string' typed property).SceneDisplays a dropdown list of available build settings Scenes (must be used with a 'string' typed property).AutomatizationAnimationGeneratorGenerate AnimationClip assets from a Texture2D spritesheet asset, save and reuse the sprites mapping configuration.CustomEditorGeneratorGenerate a base Editor script for any MonoBehaviour script.StateMachineGeneratorGenerate StateMachine scripts squeletons with a few clicks.TexturesMaxSizesSetterAutomatically set the Max Texture Size on multiple Texture2D assets according to their real sizes.ComponentsConeGenerate a cone mesh, renderer and collider, on the fly.GameObjectsTogglerSwitch the enable state between two GameObjects and fire events on switching.TriggerNotifierBind triggers message methods to UnityEvents.