✅Build an infinite number of spaceships! The most popular spaceships creator on the planet! 357 spaceships and their modular parts ready for use inside your game. Multiple colors to choose from!Package delivered using "Built in" render pipeline. Materials can be updated to URP and HDRP using built-in update feature or by importing included URP and HDRP Unity packages.💬 Discord | 📧 Email | 📄 DocumentationA must-have for sci-fi game developers or sci-fi artists! You can easily pick any of the available spaceships, modify them, pick your color or CREATE YOUR OWN SPACESHIPS from the provided modular parts!These spaceships come in a huge variety, with near endless modular parts, which will enable you to design or prototype ANY ship you want.✓366 Spaceship examples.✓230 unique spaceship modules.✓10 color variations for each spaceship.✓2K-4K albedo, metallic/smoothness, normal and emission maps.✓18 different Modular Spaceship styles, including capital ships and alien ships.✓2 Bonus sets included: 14 Arcade Style Spaceships and 5 Flying Insects.📁Free access to additional 4K textures, texture color masks and PSD files.🌠This Collection Includes ALL Following Spaceship Packs!Galactic OkamotoGalactic LeopardHyper FalconLight FoxMeteor MantisNight AyeProton LegacyForce BadgerStar ForceGalaxy RaptorStrider OxCosmic SharkCraizan StarAstro EagleSpace ExcaliburVoid WhaleArcade SpaceshipsView this list and visualize the INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF SAVINGS made when purchasing this pack!✅Download Free Sample Here-----------------------------------------------------Our Space Stations Creator completely matches this collection and is a great addition to it. These Spaceships along with our Space Stations could probably be all you need to build your successful sci-fi game!✅Get Our Space Stations Creator Today!More Sci-Fi Assets:Hi-Rez Spaceships CreatorModular Sci-Fi WeaponsGround Units CreatorPolygon Spaceships CreatorModular Hover RacersPlanetsPickup Items
宇宙船を無限に建造しましょう! 337 隻の宇宙船がゲーム内ですぐに使用でき、複数の色から選択できます。
- 18 種類のモジュール式宇宙船セット。
-337 宇宙船の例。
- 237 個のユニークな宇宙船モジュール。
-2K-4K アルベド、メタリック/スムーズネス、ノーマル、エミッション マップ。
- このコレクションには 2 つのボーナス セットが含まれています: アーケード スタイルの宇宙船 14 個と飛行昆虫 5 個。アーケード スタイルのゲームで使用できます。
- 追加の 4K テクスチャ、テクスチャ カラー マスク、Substance 3D Painter ファイルに無料でアクセスできます。
Hi-Rez Spaceships クリエイター
モジュール式 SF 武器