Inspired by street fighter, Kenshin is a fully rigged, animated, & textured character that comes with over 20 animations, 15 original VO audio clips, particle effects & special moves, & much more!Inspired by street fighter, Kenshin is a fully rigged, animated, textured, & Mechanim ready Character.The asset consist of both a low & High Poly version of the character. Each are optimized to work for any platforms including mobile. It is also compatable & comtains materials & demo scenes for both the URP & Unity's Default Legacy Pipline.This package includes 21 animations, the full demo scene with punching bag, GUI, hit effects, c# scripted combat, special attack effects, character voice over, & much more.The package also includes an alternative color scheme for both the character & punching bag, and a Material Mask for even further customization.Textures are using the PBR metalness workflow, perfect for both the universal & legacy unity render pipline, and includes the textures nescecary such as albedo, normal, metalness and roughness maps. As well as a custom shader for particle & special move effects.It also includes 4 C# scripts, for blinking, character combat demo script, Special move script, & punching bag script. It also includes 15 Original character audio VO sound files ranging from Winning & losing dialog, grunts & attacks, & specal move dialog.Rigging: YesUV mapping: YesWhat is included:° 3D Character Model - Polys: 7,150° 3D Character Model High - Polys: 60,050° 3D Punching Bag Model - Polys: 6,400° Special move particle effects & models° Hit Particle effects° 21 Animations.° Mechanim Animation controller.° 15 Original character Audio files° 2 PBR Texture variants - all 2048x2048 size-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal° Demo Scene° 4 C# scriptsAnimations included:°Kenshin_Idle_Fighting°Kenshin_Idle_Blocking°WhirlwindKick°Walk-01°Walk-03°Jump°Punch_Straight_Hard_Right°Punch_Hook_Mid_Hard_Left°Punch_Jab_Light_Left°Kick_JumpKick_Right°Kick_High_left°Kick_High_Right°Kick_Mid_Right°Hit_High_Light°Hit_High_Hard°Hit_Medium°Hit_Mid_Light°Hit_Mid_Medium°Hit_Mid_Hard°Hit_Hard-01°Hit_Hard-03