Easiest way of integrating Unity Ads in Android and iOS projects that allows you to quickly and effectively monetize your games. Demo scenes and documentation is included.Note:Please also install Free Unity Ads package "Advertisement" from package manager.TestMode option is available to swtich between Live/Test ads.Documentation is included for easy understanding of the ads integrationSample Game project included to test ads in game projectOption to show/hide ads status on device and unity editorEasy Ads for Unity Ads helps to integrate Unity Ads more convinently in Android and iOS projects. Demo scenes and documentation help new users to have working ads right out of the box.Helps to show:Banner AdsInterstitial/Video AdsRewarded Video Ads- EasyAdsExamples scene new inteface- Sample Tower game demo scene to show ads- Quick integration, Just add GameID and AdUnitID from your unity dashboard- Compatible with latest unity Advertisement.- Documentation updatedHelping Methods:Introduced these methods & events to make it easy to integrate unity ads.InitializeAds()OnInitializationComplete()OnInitializationFailed()BannerAdsAutoLoadShow()LoadBanner()ShowBannerAd()HideBannerAd()VideoAdLoadAtStart()LoadInterstitialAd()ShowInterstitialAd()RewardAdLoadAtStart()LoadRewardAd()ShowRewardAd()Tip: After getting EasyAdsManager in your script. You can access these methods like below example and from anywhere in your scripts.EasyAdsManager.BannerAdsAutoLoadShow()Use of the above methods/events can be seen in the Demo example scenes.Note: Please also install Free Unity Ads package "Advertisement" from package manager as EasyAdsForUnityAds utilizes this package.Contact for help:hello.code3interactive@gmail.comPlease also install Unity Ads package "Advertisement" from Package manager.From unity dashboard Monetization section copy and paste game IDs to a EasyAdsManager custom inspector and add Ad Unit ID's and you are ready to show ads.Default Ad Unit ID's are already placed in inspector.Android:Banner_AndroidInterstitial_AndroidRewarded_AndroidiOS:Banner_iOSInterstitial_iOSRewarded_iOSIf you created different ID you can replace them and this EasyAds package is tested with only Unity Ads.