This is the classic platform 2D game with many new features (enemy, obstacles, boss, moving platforms). It will help you learn and make your own game easier with this kit.DEMO ANDROID (APK file) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD -------------------------------------FEATURE:+ Total 3 worlds (Can add more levels, watch tutorial clip)+ Test scene with Enemy and Platform, Obstacles+ Total 30 sample levels for testing (Can add more)+ Total 26 Enemies (Normal Enemy, Smart Enemy and 3 BOSSES)+ Admob, UnityAd and In-App Purchase are integrated+ Total C#, easy to learn and coding+ Pipe system+ Teleport system+ Many obstacle objects+ ...PLAYER ABILITY:+ Basic: Walk, Jump, Double Jump, Idle, Fall, Die+ Sliding and Jump wall+ Throw bullet+ Jump on enemy's head-------------------------------------PROVIDE THE RESKIN/CUSTOM SERVICE for $220-----------------------------You can read the tutorial file in the project folder to know more-----------------------------If you have any questions: