100 + High quality Guns audio files for your game!Hello!This is the Guns Audio pack, here you'll find 33 main SFX, and each one has 3 variations each, the machine guns also have loop and tail for that variations, more than 100 audio files!Here's the list:1. Explosion_v12. Explosion_v23. Grenade_v14. Grenade_v25. Grenade_v36. Knife_v17. Knife_v28. Knife_v39. MachineGun_v110. MachineGun_v211. MachineGun_v312. MachineGun_v413. MachineGun_v514. No_Bullet_v115. Pistol_v116. Pistol_v217. Pistol_v318. Pistol_v419. Pistol_v520. Reload_v121. Reload_v222.Rifle_v123.Rifle_v224.Rocket_Launcher_v125.Semi_Automatic_v126.Semi_Automatic_v227. Semi_Automatic_v328.ShotGun_v129. ShotGun_v230.ShotGun_v331. ShotGun_v432. ShotGun_v533. Taser_v1CHECK THE PREVIEWCHECK THE DOCUMENTATIONHere's the good news: You're not paying for the variations of each of those sounds on the list! :DLicense:non-exclusive license – you’re free to use these packs in your commercial games. No license to claim as your own work.Number of Audio Waves: 100 +Number of Audio Cues: 100 +Sample rate / bit rate: (i.e. 22,050 or 44,100 Hz) 44,100Do Sound FX loop: (Yes/No) The machine Guns loop.Supported Development Platforms:Windows: (Yes/No) YesMac: (Yes/No) YesDocumentation: HereImportant/Additional Notes: The image is free for commercial use distributed by Unsplash