MACHINE Sound Pack Bundle Now Available!
Check out the sound demos to see what kind of sounds you can expect and let us know if you have any questions!
HD High quality audio format .wavMACHINE Sound Pack Bundle Now Available!Our massive new Sound FX Library Now Available!MORE PRODUCTSCheck out the sound demos to see what kind of sounds you can expect and let us know if you have any questions!Check out the sound effects previews from Here. 👇👉 SoundcloudTechnical DetailsFeatures: The pack includes 9 unique foldersAttachmentsGear_UpGears_&_CranksLocked_DownMetal_BladesMicro_MadnessMini-BotsPistonsRoboticFile Format : WAV 44.1 16bit Stereo,total 250 wav fileDocumentation: Link->View The Full File List<-->YouTube<-Please rate it with ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 stars and review this assetYour honest review and rating will help other users who are deciding whether they should get this asset.Please provide requests and feedback in thisForum Thread | DiscordHope you enjoy this bundle and good luck with your game 🙂Number of Audio Waves: 250Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 HzMinutes of audio provided: Various