Link to the Documentation
As a technical artist I write a lot of custom shaders. It's extremely painful sometimes to manage custom editors for each of them. At some point I decided to make universal shader GUI that extends attributes potential.
Extended Shader GUI adds new attributes to your shaders so you will not need to write custom editors each time. Just tell shader to use it and enjoy new attributes!
Key Features:
- Foldable Blocks - allow you to put your properties under foldable blocks and get rid of messy materials
- Feature Blocks - such type of blocks that allow you to activate/deactivate shader feature using keyword. Clearly shows you the current state of the feature using color highlight
- Nested Blocks - all these blocks are able to be nested into each other
- Vector2,3 - say No to Vector4 property when you need just 2 or 3 of its components
- Vector3Transform - draws transform field that you can use to drag&drop transform for pasting its position into your vector property
- HelpBox/TextBox - pretty boxes with text inside of them