In this pack you'll find 35 high quality futuristic combat sounds with some variations in each sound, 106 audio files in all! Here's the list:
35 high quality futuristic combat sounds:
Laser shot v1
Laser shot v2
Laser shot v3
Laser shot v4
Laser shot v5
Laser shot v6
Big shot v1
Big shot v2
Digital Panel v1
Explosion v1
Explosion v2
Grenade Launcher v1
Grenade v1
Grenade v2
Grenade v3
LightSaber v1
LightSaber v2
LightSaber v3
Machine Gun v1
Machine Gun v2
Reload v1
Reload v2
Reload v3
Reload v4
Rifle v1
Shield v1
Shield v2
ShotGun v1
Targeted v1
Teleport v1
Teleport v2
Teleport v3
Teleport v4
Teleport v5
Unload Weapons v1
All sounds come with some extra variation, or a tail/cast, all the pack has more than 100 audio files
This pack will have updates, and after the purchase you'll get them for free
Number of Audio Waves: 106
Sample rate / bit rate: (i.e. 22,050 or 44,100 Hz) 44,100
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes/No) Yes
Mac: (Yes/No) Yes
Important/Additional Notes: The image is free for commercial use distruted by pixabay, and the font is Squares bold free for commercial use distributed by 1001 fonts