Vertical (Altitude) Positioning w/ NextNav Pinnacle Plug-In
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The NextNav Pinnacle Unity plug-in adds highly accurate vertical positioning (altitude) to any game, simulation, or other location-based application.Adding a vertical dimension unlocks a world of new possibilities for games and augmented reality experiences. Gamers can experience worlds that reflect the 3D environment we live in. Places where 2D maps are limiting – multi-level buildings, underground spaces, and complex streetscapes – are suddenly available for gameplay.The Pinnacle Unity plug-in generates highly accurate vertical positioning using the pressure sensors (barometers) contained in most of today’s smartphones and other devices. When combined a nationwide altitude service network, NextNav generates the most accurate vertical positioning data on the market today.Provides altitude data in two formats – meters HAE (Height Above Ellipsoid) and meters HAT (Height Above Terrain/Ground) along with a quality metric called uncertainty that indicates the range of height information at the 90% confidence level.Generate height data as fast as once per second, enabling near real-time use for gameplay.Plug-in is available with a built-in key to quickly get started and use the Pinnacle service for trial purposes.A unique developer Eval-Key can also be requested by visiting as you progress in your development cycle and require an extended evaluation.