The Procedural Music Generator is a tool to create music configurations that generate music in real time, allowing the music to adapt and change during runtime.While URP is required for the front-end ui editor for the music generator, it is not required for generator playback in an application and can be installed and utilized in a separate project.Featuring a robust toolset designed to give you more control over the music audio in your game, the Procedural Music Generator lets you craft customized configurations that play music in real time in your app and are adaptable on the fly.Featuring:Real-time adjustable Music Generation.Waveform Instrument Editor.Leitmotif Editor to set custom melodies and refrains that are generated around.Measure Editor to create 1-off audio FXA huge selection of instruments and percussionPreset example configurations.Support to aid modifying or extending the generator's behaviorChange dozens and dozens of configuration variables to adapt the music in real time.FMOD SupportExample ScenesGenerate music configurations using various provided toolsetsCustomize the sound in countless ways to achieve the sound you're looking forProcedurally generate music in realtimeAllows adapting and adjusting the music based on game eventsAllows easily syncing game objects or behavior to notes, beats or other music eventsCreate 1-off sound effectsCreate Waveform Instruments using the Waveform EditorFMOD Support