Translate UI text to any languages with Google Translate to expose UI issues in localized versions.This package is for developers/designers responsible for making UI prefabs for a global audience. By previewing your UI layout in different languages, most UI issues can be identified and fixed even before translation starts, as the translation you get from your translators will be very close in length to machine-translated text.Note: This is NOT a localization library that handles your i18n resources.This package translates all text properties in selected objects in the scene. Both Text and TextMeshProUGUI are supported.Go to Window - Google Translate to bring up the translator window, select all objects you'd like to translate, select a target language, then hit the Translate button. You can roll back to original text using Ctrl/Cmd + Z.Error: If you get an error, it means Google thinks you are send requesting via scripts (which you are). Usually this can be solved by reopening your Unity project.