Abandoned Park (Solution for Horror\Adventure Games)
Wonder Games
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Abandoned park - solution for horror\adventure games
Modular and Scripting solution for your game.
What i am getting?
Around 100 (low poly )Optimized PBR models with baked textures(many textures variations).
Main menu solution and In game menu(options and credits).
async loading screen solution.
Save and Load game solution with remembering not only your game position,but also events you allready passed and photos you took before.
In game cellular phone with the ability to dial a numbers and receive sms messages.
3 Scene included:Small demo scene, Menu demo and Triggers demo.
Demo has a stable 50-60 fps.
Graphic quality is turned to maximum ,if you have a slow pc change it to medium.
Package have a modified Controller but also you can import Standart assets to your project (FPC and Image effects) I recomend to Import FULL Abandoned park asset into new (clean) Unity project first. (Then work with it)
Asset have a PDF documentation
If you need additional videos of gameplay let me know.
Good luck and have fun.