Peasant CoupleThis package contains two characters in old fashioned aestetic.Woman model has 2,6k tris.Man model has 2,3k tris.Both models are skinned, but this pack does not contain any animations.Shader used here is Standard Unity (MetalicSmoothness).Textures are BaseColor, MetallicSmoothness and NormalMap. All 1024 x 1024 Resolution.So, delay no further and cheack this beautiful models for yourself.Also, be sure to check out other related packages:Cannons: https://u3d.as/1Zx3Roman Armor: https://u3d.as/2bxQPrussian Infantry: https://u3d.as/1ToKPrussian Ships pack: https://u3d.as/1TWQPrussian Cavalry: https://u3d.as/1ToJPrussian Buildings: https://u3d.as/1ZZdPeasant Couple: https://u3d.as/2qHEGladiators characters: https://u3d.as/1Zxx