Pay attention before you pay for this asset! This asset has a low price because publisher will not maintain or update it any more! So, if you pay for it, you will not get any tech support or updates!
Room Building Starter Kit Pro is an extension of Room Building Starter Kit which is a well designed code based solution for the build system of the indoor Tycoon game.
The Pro version includes all features and contents of Room Building Starter Kit and additional NPC system, currency system and time system which is a basic indoor Tycoon game playable demo.
The NPC system is made by using PlayMaker. So make sure you get PlayMaker before download and run this asset. Details about how to setup this asset with PlayMaker can be found in the document inside the package.
Supported render pipelines:
- Built-In Standard (2019.4+)
- URP (support version 7.x ~ 10.x)
- HDRP (support version 7.x ~ 10.x)
Support Platforms:
- PC only. (Mobile support is still working in progress)
- Includes all features of Room Building Starter Kit
- NPC system used to hire or
dismiss employee NPC which has some basic properties (sanity, hungry, thirsty...) A behaviour system used to control the NPC's action and interaction with props in the office by using their properties. NPC will go to find work place to earn money when they get paid and go to find food or drink when they feel hungry or thirsty.
- Currency system used to control the player's income and expenses. i.e. cost money when player build room, buy furniture or hire employee, earn money when employee working for the player.
- Time system used to control the game speed. Player can switch between different game speed or suspend the game.
Package contains:
- Includes all contents of Room Building Starter Kit
- Document about how to setup this asset with PlayMaker
This asset is made with patience, carefulness and love for the Tycoon games, hope it can help you make a good game!