¿Need some White Hit, Slashes, Punches with Blood variation for your game? ¡Here they are! ;)Hey by the way! Do you want yo follow my daily VFX work? ¡Nice! ;)FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBEOK! I have for you The 2DFX Awesome Slashes Vol.4 pack ;)This is my fourth 2DFX Hits pack. I made it in SRP (Standard Render Pipeline) and you will find:- 48 prefabs!- I made 8 Slash hits with 2 variations. 1 a normal hit, and the other with some Blood particles and frame by frame animation. That's 16 Prefabs.- I made this in 3 different Stiles. First a nomal Slash, second a more "organic" shape, and third a Slash "head" with a sutil smoke. 3 different options you can choose for your project ;)- Drag and drop to your project!- Very easy to use and rezise ;)Most of the sprites are made in Photoshop so you can access to the .PSD file and edit it as you want, and big .PNG files. But anything you need just contact me and I can help you with convertions.No custom shaders used in this version. Only the legacy ones.¡ANYTHING! you need, just contect me ;)About the "Righteous Regular Font" that I use to see the name of the Prefab in the Play Mode video:"This font is licensed under the Open Font License.You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details."So, it's not included in this packYou can see any detail in de link: https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFLor in the .TXT file.