Want to make your games run smoother or execute code from thread on main? Then use Async Scheduler!
NEW Improved Task integration
- Async.Instantiate returns ITask
- Async.Run receives/returns ITask
- Async.Run supports task with result
- Async.Run
Schedules code across multiple frames, preventing lag spikes. Capable of executing code from background thread on main
- AsyncInsantiateGameObjectComponent that makes it easy to create spawn placeholders with editor-only previews
- Async.Instantiate/Destroy Replaces Instantiate/Destroy.
Useful for instantiating large quantities of objects at run time
Thread Safe Instantiate/Destroy on a separate thread
Prevent instantiation entirely by calling Destroy on pending objects
Example Usages:
- Load saved level without loading screen
- Pieces of a destructible meshes
- Streaming in procedural content
- Foliage around player as they explore
- Procedural Asteroids/Planets/Stars
- etc (Let me know how you use it!)
Want an easy way to manage threads?
Task for Unity
Want to spawn objects in Parallel?
Parallel for Unity