Have you ever been in a situation where you had to rearrange, copy-paste or sort many items in an Inspector list and found it difficult, or select objects referenced by an array range? Now it's easy.NOTE: Now you can also show the big Geek Context Menu as a sub-menu.This toolbox contains Geek Addons that provide the Unity Editor with essential context menu commands useful for arrays and lists - more precisely, operations on ranges of array and list elements. All included "Geek Productivity Commands" are available in the GameObject context menu, Assets context menu and in the Unity Inspector context menu related to list and array properties.FULL SOURCE CODE included.WEBSITE | DOC | SUPPORT FORUM | BUG REPORTSThis Geek Addons bundle includes the following families of commands described below: “GameObject Menu COPY”, “Assets Menu COPY”, “MOVE” (REORDER elements), “SHIFT”, “COPY”, “PASTE”, “FORCE PASTE”, “CUT”, “DELETE”, “INSERT”, “APPEND”, “DUPLICATE”, “DUPLICATE Nx”, “SELECT”, “SORT or REORDER”, “RANGE”, “LOCK”, “COPY ALL” and “LOCK ALL” commands. You can access them in the 4AI Geek Context Menu appended to a standard Unity context menu related to array and list properties and in GameObject and Assets menus. The command names are shortened in this description usually.----------------------PACKAGE CONTENT----------------------1. Editor List & Array Toolkit package content:• "GameObject Menu COPY" and "Assets Menu COPY" commands (different versions of commands, using different object orders)• Inspector List & Array Toolkit package content:- MOVE-RANGE-LOCK Geek Inspector Addons package content- COPY-PASTE-RANGE Geek Inspector Addons package content- CUT-INSERT-RANGE Geek Inspector Addons package content(that includes “APPEND” and “DELETE” commands)- “DUPLICATE”, “DUPLICATE Nx”, “COPY ALL” and “LOCK ALL” commands.2. SELECT-RANGE-LOCK Geek Inspector Addons package content3. “SORT or REORDER”, “SHIFT” and “FORCE PASTE” commands.See the details below.------------------------------------OTHER RELEASED GEEK ADDONS------------------------------------• Geek Tools• Editor List & Array Toolkit• Inspector List & Array Toolkit• MOVE-RANGE-LOCK Geek Inspector Addons• SELECT-RANGE-LOCK Geek Inspector Addons• COPY-PASTE-RANGE Geek Inspector Addons• CUT-INSERT-RANGE Geek Inspector Addons• Visit the publisher page for the full list of productivity extensions.---------------DEMO SCENE---------------You can test this package with the free demo scene available in the Asset Store.For testing, you can also use two MonoBehaviour scripts: ExampleArrays.cs and ExampleLists.cs that contain many different arrays and lists. Attach the scripts to any game objects, define array and list data and then, just right-click on array/list element names to display a context menu with appended 4AI Geek Context Menu.---------------------------MAIN PLUGIN FEATURES---------------------------copying selected game objects or assets to the Geek Clipboard, ordered in different ways (e.g. by executing copy commands using the alphanumeric sort by asset file path or game object name),sorting or reordering a range of array or list elements e.g. object references by asset path or as in the Hierarchy view, alphanumerically, by object name, in reverse order, shuffling etc.,moving a range of array or list elements from one place to another within a given array or list,shifting a range of array or list elements from one place to another within a given array or list (which are used like a ring buffer),copying a range of array or list elements to the Geek Clipboard,copying all array or list elements to the Geek Clipboard,pasting or "force pasting" array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard into an array or list,copying either a locked element range or unlocked range (based on a clicked index),cutting a range of array or list elements and placing them in the Geek Clipboard,inserting array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard into an array or list at a clicked index,appending array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard after a clicked index in an array or list,duplicating a range of array or list elements - once and many times,deleting a range of array or list elements,selecting game objects or any objects referenced by an array or list element range,setting and resizing a range of array or list elements,different operation modes such as a locked or unlocked element range mode,locking all the list or array range.As all our "Geek Utilities", this "move-shift-copy-paste-cut-insert-append-duplicate-select-sort-reorder-delete-range-lock" utility can enhance your workflow and increase productivity. It also eliminates the need of using e.g. reorderable lists or arrays that could be useful especially in older versions of Unity. You don't need to use any special Attributes with your arrays and lists for the toolbox commands to work. It should work with your list and array properties in the Unity Inspector out-of-the-box after installing the plugin.This package extends the Unity Editor with the commands described below.------------------------BUNDLE COMMANDS------------------------GameObject Menu COPY commands----------------------------------------"GameObject Menu COPY" commands appear in the Hierarchy view and GameObject menu:• 4AI --> Copy• 4AI Geek Copy (submenu)- COPY Selected GAME OBJECTS - HIERARCHY ORDER- COPY Selection- COPY Selection - Alphanumeric SORT by NAME- COPY Selection - SORT by NAMEAssets Menu COPY commands----------------------------------------"Assets Menu COPY" commands appear in the Assets menu:• 4AI --> Copy• 4AI Geek Copy (submenu)- COPY Selection - Alphanumeric SORT by ASSET PATH- COPY Selection - Alphanumeric SORT by NAME- COPY Selection- COPY Selection - SORT by ASSET PATH- COPY Selection - SORT by NAMEMOVE (REORDER elements) commands-------------------------------------------• MOVE (submenus; appears when the range is unlocked)- MOVE to array Start or End- MOVE by N• MOVE and LOCK (submenus; appears when the range is unlocked)- MOVE to array Start or End- MOVE by N• MOVE LOCKED (submenus; appears when the range is locked)- MOVE to array Start or End- MOVE by N• MOVE and UNLOCK (submenus; appears when the range is locked)- MOVE to array Start or End- MOVE by NSHIFT commands--------------------• SHIFT (submenus; appears when the range is unlocked)- SHIFT to array Start or End- SHIFT by N• SHIFT and LOCK (submenus; appears when the range is unlocked)- SHIFT to array Start or End- SHIFT by N• SHIFT LOCKED (submenus; appears when the range is locked)- SHIFT to array Start or End- SHIFT by N• SHIFT and UNLOCK (submenus; appears when the range is locked)- SHIFT to array Start or End- SHIFT by NCOPY & COPY ALL commands----------------------------------• COPY range• COPY range LOCKED (appears when the range is locked)• COPY and LOCK range and SET (range) END• COPY ONE item• COPY ALL itemsPASTE commands--------------------• PASTE (appears when the range is unlocked)• PASTE and LOCK range• FORCE PASTEDUPLICATE & DUPLICATE Nx commands--------------------------------------------• DUPLICATE range• DUPLICATE range LOCKED• DUPLICATE N x range (submenus)• DUPLICATE N x range LOCKED (submenus)CUT commands----------------------• CUT range (appears when the range is unlocked)• CUT range LOCKED (appears when the range is locked)DELETE commands----------------------• DELETE range (appears when the range is unlocked)• DELETE range LOCKED (appears when the range is locked)INSERT commands----------------------• INSERT at [x] (appears when the range is unlocked)• INSERT at [x] and LOCK (appears when the range is locked)• INSERT and LOCK range at [x] (appears when the range is unlocked)APPEND commands----------------------• APPEND at [x] (appears when the range is unlocked)• APPEND at [x] and LOCK (appears when the range is locked)SELECT commands--------------------• SELECT array GAME OBJECTS (appears when the range is unlocked)• SELECT array GAME OBJECTS LOCKED (appears when the range is locked)• SELECT array OBJECTS (appears when the range is unlocked)• SELECT array OBJECTS LOCKED (appears when the range is locked)SORT or REORDER commands--------------------------------• SORT or REORDER (submenu; appears when the range is unlocked)- HIERARCHY ORDER - REVERSE HIERARCHY ORDER - Alphanumeric SORT by ASSET PATH - REVERSE Alphanumeric SORT by ASSET PATH - Alphanumeric SORT - REVERSE Alphanumeric SORT - SORT - SORT (Case Sensitive) - SORT (CASE INSENSITIVE) - REVERSE SORT - REVERSE SORT (Case Sensitive) - REVERSE SORT (CASE INSENSITIVE) - SHUFFLE items - REVERSE items • SORT or REORDER LOCKED (submenu; appears when the range is locked; the LOCKED version of the “SORT or REORDER” submenu)RANGE commands----------------------• SET RANGE to R (submenus)• SET RANGE to R LOCKED (submenus)• RESIZE RANGE by R (submenus)• RESIZE RANGE by R LOCKED (submenus)• SET range START and LOCK• SET range END and LOCKLOCK & LOCK ALL commands--------------------------------• LOCK range (appears when the range is unlocked)• UNLOCK range (appears when the range is locked)• RELOCK range (appears when the range is locked)• LOCK ALL---------------LINKS---------------Links related to Geek Addons:• PLUGIN WEBSITE & DOCUMENTATION• Free Demo Scene - Geek Addons Demo• Geek Addons Page• Forum• Support Forum• Bug Reports Forum• Contact-----------------SOCIAL PAGES-----------------• 4AI on Facebook• 4AI on Twitter• 4AI on LinkedinFULL SOURCE CODE included.WEBSITE | DOC | SUPPORT FORUM | BUG REPORTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------TYPES SUPPORTED BY COPY & PASTE & CUT & INSERT & APPEND & DUPLICATE OPERATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------The following serialized property types (SerializedPropertyType) are supported by copy & paste & cut & insert & append & duplicate commands:ObjectReference,Integer,Float,Boolean,String,Vector2,Vector2Int,Vector3,Vector3Int,Vector4,Quaternion,Bounds,BoundsInt,Rect,RectInt,Enum,Color,Character,LayerMask,AnimationCurve,Generic,ArraySize - supported once copying & pasting & cuting & inserting & appending & duplicating generic types,ExposedReference - it is supported in the code, but it has not been tested.The following types are not supported by copy & paste & cut & insert & append & duplicate operations:FixedBufferSize,Gradient.This plugin performs a lot of reasonable conversions when pasting, inserting or appending values from the Geek Clipboard, for example:float to int,float to long,double to int,double to long,int to float,int to double,long to float,long to double,Vector2Int to Vector2,Vector2 to Vector2Int,Vector3Int to Vector3,Vector3 to Vector3Int,Vector4 to Quaternion,Quaternion to Vector4,BoundsInt to Bounds,Bounds to BoundsInt,RectInt to Rect,Rect to RectInt,many types to String...The plugin extends the Unity Editor with new context menu commands in the Unity Inspector, Hierarchy View and Assets View, such as:CUT, INSERT, APPEND, COPY, PASTE, MOVE, SHIFT, SELECT, DUPLICATE, SORT array or list elements in any rangeCOPY Game Objects and PASTE them into lists or arrays at any index.COPY Assets and PASTE them into lists or arrays at any index.The main plugin features are:copying selected game objects or assets to the Geek Clipboard, ordered in different ways (e.g. by executing copy commands using the alphanumeric sort by asset file path or game object name),sorting or reordering a range of array or list elements e.g. object references by asset path or as in the Hierarchy view, alphanumerically, by object name, in reverse order, shuffling etc.,moving a range of array or list elements from one place to another within a given array or list,shifting a range of array or list elements from one place to another within a given array or list (which are used like a ring buffer),copying a range of array or list elements to the Geek Clipboard,copying all array or list elements to the Geek Clipboard,pasting or "force pasting" array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard into an array or list,copying either a locked element range or unlocked range (based on a clicked index),cutting a range of array or list elements and placing them in the Geek Clipboard,inserting array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard into an array or list at a clicked index,appending array or list elements available in the Geek Clipboard after a clicked index in an array or list,duplicating a range of array or list elements - once and many times,deleting a range of array or list elements,selecting game objects or any objects referenced by an array or list element range,setting and resizing a range of array or list elements,different operation modes such as a locked or unlocked element range mode,locking all the list or array range.