Create Random Scenes given customized Modules
How it works:
-Create a Random Scene given Start/End Positions and 4 Modules with custom size
-These 4 Modules requiere some areas to be opened (Front, Back and Right) to connect each other.
-The modules can have a custom squared size depending on how the level is going to be designed.
Useful for:
-Automatically create scenarios with defined Start/End Positions
-Ideal for labyrinths and mazes
-Ideal for materials/textures optimizing, as all modules can share 1 Atlas and 1 Material while creating a big scene.
Works with:
Render Pipelines:
-All Render Pipelines (Included Modules packs are made for Standard Render Pipeline).
Unity Versions:
-2019.2, 2019.4
-2018.4 (need to reassign "MeshFilter, Mesh" to Module prefabs from FBXs meshes)