Warrior woman animated charecter for a sidescroll/platformer games.Idle : 6 framesRun : 8 frames2 Combo attack : 12 framesDeath : 11 framesHurt : 4 famesJump - UpToFall - Fall : 3 - 2 - 3 framesDash : 7 FramesDash-Attack : 10 framesEdge Grab : 5 framesEdge Idle : 6 framesCrouch : 6 framesWallSlide : 3 framesLadder-Grab : 8 FramesSlide : 5 FramesSprite dimension: 69x44 px.You can use this asset for personal and commercial purpose,you can modify this object to your needs.Credit is not required but would be appreciatedYou can NOT redistribute or resell it.