• You will need Final IK, VR Shooter Kit and Photon in order to make this work!
• This multiplayer extension is intended to be a starting point for multiplayer VR projects or for learners, and it is NO intended to be a drag and drop solution
• This is the first release of this asset, so for now it just works for all Oculus headsets
• This asset does contain a small system in order to handle UI interactions and VR, but it is very basic and it is intended just as a placeholder and no as a final solution, so consider developing your own solutions for UI or just use a external asset if you plan to start any serious project
• Not all weapons/features from VR Shooter Kit has been converted into this multiplayer layer (read features list if you are looking for something special, or feel free to ask in our Discord Channel )
VR Shooter Kit Multiplayer Extension, is a extension for VR Shooter Kit in order to handle multiplayer, it uses VR IK system in order to create avatars that try to imitate your real movements, so you can see others peoples body interact, shoot and play.
• Simple lobby system, you can create rooms, wait for others players to join and start the game any time you want.
• VRIK integration in order to create body avatars
• Photon integration for multiplayer
• Fully functional VR multiplayer Avatar
Features/Weapons from VRShooterKit converted to multiplayer
• Grabbing/Dropping
• Uzi
• M4
• M4 with Scope
• Grenade
Feel free to join our Discord Channel if you need anything