Common Dialogs is designed to quickly get a project up and running by taking away the tedious tasks of setting up commonly used dialogs. The dialogs are easily customized to your graphic style by editing the dialog UI prefabs. To display an error message is nothing more than a single line of code.
* File Browser Dialog - save file, load file, and folder path selection
* Input Dialog - get a string, integer, float, username, password, or email from a user
* Progress Dialog - simple progress meter
* Notification Message - small popup window for notification messages
* Message Box - basic dialog for displaying text to the user with option buttons such as Ok, Cancel, Yes, No, etc.
* Login Dialog - get a username and password from a user
* Drag Panel - allows the user to move the dialog
* Resize Panel - allows the user to resize the dialog
* MenuBar - menus similar to Windows and Mac menus
* ToolBar - toolbar similar to Windows and Mac button bars
* StatusBar - status text at bottom of dialog
*TitleBar - draggable title bar with close and resize buttons
Red Shadow Games - Common Dialogs