Check out this extremely Simple, but super Fun and Addictive flying game. The goal is to get as far as you can... Your score is determined by distance traveled, BUT there are also gems to pick up. You can buy different style ships with the gems collected, but often times trying to "grab" a gem can mean crashing!
✧ Fully Commented C# Code
✧ Lots of Documentation... .pdf & .docx
**There is also a zip file in the Docs Directory, and it contains a DoxyGen Doc Page If anyone is interested. Just extract the archive, enter the "html" folder, and launch the index.html. This will allow you to browse the Members, Classes, Comments, and Types outside of the IDE.
✧ Includes a SceneManager that Fades in and out on level loads. Note: Start the game in "scene0" for the proper experience.
✧ Includes a Simple Game BootStrapper. You simply create your other games "ads" in your Imaging Application, get the links to those games "store page link(Google Play market://...)", and then load them into your project. Then you fill out the inspector, and a random "Ad" will be displayed when the player starts your game... that way you can freely(and shamlessly) promote your other games. It works like a regular ad... hit the x, and continue to the current game, hit the "ad area" or play button and they are directed to that games store page. Nothing beats paying for an ad campaign, but this is a free way to try and "Boot Strap" your other games.
✧ Includes a UI Atlas, and more!
✧ Player Death Effect implements a Camera Shake, and Chromatic Aberration Effect.(May be useful for some beginners to see in action, given it is a nice juicy effect in lots of games).
✧ Includes a .unitypackage with the scripts I used for the Google Play Store version I published. You still have to import and setup the GPGS Github package, grab sdks, setup your console, etc... but the scripts I used are included in case you want to take a look at what I did. There is also a link to a video playlist I made that documents the whole process of adding the social features... It's pretty long, and there are some rambles, but its there if you want/need it.
✧Try it Out:✧
✧ WebGL version :
Click Here to Play the WebGL Version
✧ APK version :
SwingShip on the Google Play Store
Note: I have created a couple "How To" videos for adding a Leaderboard, and Achievements to this package(Present in the version I submitted to the Play Store Above). So, If you need any help adding features like that yourself, then you can follow This Link to view the playlist on YouTube.
Other HBB Assets... If you haven't done so already, check out the other HBB Example Games. Some Free, Some Cheap...
Links Below
- "Color Switch Clone" :
Asset Store Page
- "Object Slicing Game" :
Asset Store Page
✧ Please rate my file, I’d really appreciate it.
✧ Included FX and Background Music
(This Example Game uses these sounds and music from the sources cited below...
-“251461__joshuaempyre__arcade-music-loop_wav” is “Arcade Music Loop” by joshuaempyre. It can be found at...
-“Click_sfx.co” is “Glovebox Open” from FreeSFX.co.uk. It can be found at...
CC-BY-3.0 Licenses (in Separate File labeled CreativeCommons_3.0_License)
Special, SPECIAL thanks to FreeSFX.co.uk and FreeSound.org for the Sounds.
-“Any Remaining Sounds” are self-recorded, generated, or old public domain sounds.
All the audio credit goes to the original authors, and/or recorders...