Steering behaviors use a combination of forces to move character around its environment in a realistic manner.
This package facilitates the use of steering behaviors in your unity projects.
- Control an agent or group with just a few clicks.
- Basic line/spline path builder tool.
- Customizable behavior..
- Source Code included for custom adaptation.
- Custom Inspectors, debug facilities.
Steer behaviors.
Align, Face, Seek, Flee, Arrive, Pursue, Evade, Wander, FollowPath line/spline, Separation, Cohesion, VelocityMatch, CollisionAvoidance, ObstacleAvoidance, Queue, Hide, FollowLeader,
Composite Behaviors blended/priority
*Experimental behaviors
Arrive/FollowPath/CoverPoint unity Navmesh.
behaviors using Unity Job System
Wander, Flock,..