This asset is a collection of scripts and ready-to-use prefabs for setting up a tracking camera along a custom user defined path during gameplay resembling a sort of film style dolly camera on rails.
It comes with its own bezier curve creator and editor to create paths and switcher volumes to switch between angles.
It requires no coding to set up.
Designed to be fully automatic and to track the moving subject throughout the scene on user designed paths and segments.
Inspired by old school horror games that frequently used tracking and pathing to set up specific cinematographic angles and had no designated camera control.
Read the Documentation
Check out the Publisher Website
• Fully automatic tracking
• Can be constrained to specific angles or rotate freely
• Fully featured Bezier spline editor for making custom paths
• Fixed points can be used for fixed angle scenes
• Trigger volumes for switching between paths or scripts
• Can be used in conjunction with other camera scripts for specific places or solo.
• Can animate camera Field Of View
• Tons of inspector variables to fully control the behavior
• Optional Zooming animation to ease the transition to a new curve
• Can follow a subject or can use another path to define more compex movements
• No coding required, easy to set up
• C# public properties for full control
• Extensive documentation
Demo Scene included.
Quick start guide in documentation.
If you have any issues, questions or bugs to report, suggestions, feature requests don’t hesitate to contact me via email: