Over four hours worth of unique and versatile atmospheric music suitable for adventure & pirate games!Leave a review and request free updates!UPDATE V1.2 (May 2023):With over 50 minutes of new audio added to the pack,you now get a total of over 4 hours of audio!!See end of description for details.Listen to a sample of V1.2 here: https://on.soundcloud.com/5q2TfUPDATE 1.1 :September 2021An additional 40 minutes of music and ambience has been added! More details at end of descriptions.The Krispy Kraken is a multi-layered project by Voltz Supreme consisting of an audio drama style podcast adventure, an ever expanding music pack of royalty-free pirate themed music & SFX and a collection of soundtracks. The Krispy Kraken is also a famous pirate tavern on Scumm Island…The Pirate Music & SFX Royalty-Free Pack is an ever growing collection of original music and sound effects created by Voltz Supreme. It’s available to be used by game developers and film producers via a number of asset stores. As new material is written and created for the podcast, it will be added to the pack with each new update. Owners of the pack and those interested can follow along with the podcast and be on the listen for new music and sound effects.I hope that by covering different pirate themes every podcast episode, and coming up with new music and sfx for them, I will end up with one of the most comprehensive pirate music packs available.Content will not be limited to material from the podcast.The price of the pack will increase with every update… so jump in early!Note: Only original SFX will be provided as individual files to use.Almost all files loop seamlessly.Files are in wav format and can be compressed if desired.Leave a review and let me know what you'd like to hear in future updates!Version 1.0:Looping Music:1. An Adventure Awaits2. Call of the Deep (no melody)3. Foreign Bells4. God Save The King (pirate version)5. Haunted Jungle6. Let's Go Do Pirate Stuff (instrumental version)7. Mermaids Under Moonlight8. Mysterious Jungle (with & without SFX)9. Ocean Ensemble10. Open Waters (with & without SFX)11. Reggae Town12. Sailing Through Fog13. Señor Tango14. Shanty - Fare Thee Well, Ol' Sailor Lad (instrumental busker's version)15. Sleepy Town16. Something Deep Beneath Us (with & without SFX)17. Spice Trader18. Stormy Sea (with & without SFX)19. The Beast20. The Chase21. The Tavern (with & without SFX)22. The War Drum Beats23. Tropical Beach (with & without SFX)24. Who'd Do Voodoo?Ambient SFX:1. At The Docks2. Creepy Jungle3. Mysterious Jungle4. Tropical Beach - Gentle WavesAmbient Voice SFX:1. At The Bar2. Fighting Pirates3. God Save The King4. Outside Voices5. Scary Voices6. Tavern Ambience - Angry7. Tavern Ambience - Cheer8. Tavern Ambience - Confused9. Tavern Ambience - MainVersion 1.1 AdditionsLooping Music:1. A Huge Enemy Approaches2. By The Blue Lagoon3. Confused Reggae4. Crazy Tribe (4 versions)5. Creepy Whale Call6. Deep Dark & Dangerous (2 Versions)7. Just Creepy8. Monk Voice Loop9. Reggae Rum & Ragas10. Short Jolly Loop 111. Short Jolly Loop 212. Silly Loop13. Spice Trader (updated version)14. The Gin Soaked Jester15. The Great Golden Fish Theme (4 versions)Stingers:1. VictoryVersion 1.2 Additions1. Angel In The Eye of The Storm2. Down In The Swamp3. Dramatic Intro (2 versions)4. Indian Spiced Rum (2 versions)5. Rebuilding6. Tango Till They're Dead (2 versions)7. Tense Battle (2 versions)8. The Depths of Treasure Island9. The Promise of Adventure & Riches (3 versions)10. The Widow's Lament11. To Triumph or Tragedy (2 versions)12. Tribal Music (3 variations)13. We Leave at Sunrise14. We Ride With The Wind15. Woman Singing in Church