Hey by the way! Do you want yo follow my daily VFX work? ¡Nice! ;)FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBEOK! I have for you The 2DFX Elemental Hits Vol.2 pack ;DI made it in SRP (Standard Render Pipeline) so it's works perfect there.Since June 10, 2021, you'll find a folder named "URP unitypackage". Inside it you'll find "The 2DFX Elemental Hits Vol.2 - URP". This is the same project but the materials were updated to Universal Render Pipeline. It's all the same except that I made a simple Glow Shader to use the HDR color to some little particles.- 28 prefabs- 4 Element variations. ICE, NATURE, EARTH and FIRE.- Drag and drop to your project!- Very easy to use and rezise ;)Most of the sprites are made in Photoshop, so you can access to the .PSD file and edit it as you want. But anything you need just contact me and I can help you with convertions.No custom shaders used in this version. Only the legacy ones.In the URP (Universal Render Pipeline) version I made a simple Glow Shader to use the HDR color.¡ANYTHING! you need, just contect me ;)