Shells Drop SFX is a high-quality asset pack.It features unique SFX, Animations and is classified as AAA assets that can be used on VR, PC, and Consoles.The assets are created using the PBR standard, which guarantees top-notch 4K high-quality textures.The pack includes Shells Drop SFX, Animations, Sound Effects.You can also watch the demo videos to see the pack in action.Pack support unity 2019.3 URP 7.1.8+Follow us for updates and news: FACEBOOKJoin Our Discord Server: Discord..Pack not include environment textures..This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.This license is available with a FAQ at: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Changa#aboutPack includes :4 types Bullet shell drops on 8 different materials.4K Textures for meshes4 different types of Cartridge Models4 different types of Bullet Models4 different types of Shell Models◉ 151 Sounds for Shell Drop.◉ 35 Sounds for 5.56X45 Assault Rifle Shell Drop.◉ 35 Sounds for 9MM Pistol Shell Drop.◉ 35 Sounds for 50-BMG Shell Drop.◉ 35 Sounds for Gauge 12 Shell Drop.◉ 11 Sounds for Sizzling Shell Drop.Max Ver:602 Max Tris:816